What is Diindolylmethane (DIM)?
DIM is a natural compound found in vegetables such as broccoli and brussels sprouts.
Diindolylmethane Benefits
This supplement acts as a natural aromatase inhibitor, which means it limits the conversion of testosterone into estrogen.
Dosage and How to Take
100mg daily is sufficient and ideal as an aromatase inhibitor. Too much DIM can actually have the opposite effect of an aromatase inhibitor.
Common Stacks and Synergies
Diindolylmethane is taken with DAA, or D-aspartic acid, to promote healthy testosterone levels.
Powder vs Capsules
DIM powder allows you to dial in your specific dosage. 100mg will be best for most individuals, but some will experience different results at 150mg or 200mg. Capsules are slightly more expensive per dose, but are also more convenient.