Looking for rhodiola extract with higher rosavins content?
Salidrosides vs Rosavins
You can buy rhodiola standardized with higher rosavins content or higher salidrosides content. Per capsule, this product contains 325 mg of rhodiola extract standardized for 3% salidrosides and another 125 mg standardized for 1% rosavins and 3% salidrosides.
Which standardization should you try first? We suggest starting with a higher salidroside content extract such as this one since there are more positive anecdotal reports involving salidrosides.
Rhodiola Dosage and Instructions
Take 1 capsule (500 mg) of rhodiola extract once daily or as needed. Do not exceed 2 capsules per 12-hour period. If you stop noticing benefits, try discontinuing use for at least 2 to 3 days.
Rhodiola Cycling
Does rhodiola extract need to be cycled? It depends on the individual. Some claim that tolerance does not increase with daily use, while others need to stop dosing for 2 to 5 days to reduce tolerance.
Advantage of Capsules over Powder
Not only does rhodiola powder have a strong bitter and earthy taste, but can cause unpleasant burps. Encapsulated rhodiola reduces or eliminates these negatives.